- 18.09.2023
African Fish and Fisheries : Diversity, Conservation and Sustainable Management
African Fish and Fisheries : Diversity, Conservation and Sustainable Management
Seminar given by Isabelle Gérard, Head of Publications, RMCA
CEBioS a organisé un séminaire fructueux à l’IRSNB avec les stagiaires et les tuteurs GTI.
Find here presentations and pictures of our CEBioS & UNESCO side-event.
For this first celebration of the International Day of Biosphere Reserves, biosphere reserves and those who embody them are being honoured.
Six workshops were held for participants from 14 countries.
Discover our EVAMAB Manual and how we can help you through our CBD-related projects
The training tackled the implementation and development of a CHM Website through the Bioland tool.
This event served in particular to prepare the 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin.
The EVAMAB Manual: Guidance for the assessment of ecosystem services in African Biosphere Reserves: a way forward to sustainable development, was launched at the IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress in Kigali.