Successful Side-Event from CEBioS and UNESCO at COP15
Find here presentations and pictures of our CEBioS & UNESCO side-event.

Event details
- Side-event
- Start: 18.12.2022 - 1:15 pm
- End: 18.12.2022 - 3:30 pm
- Montreal, Canada
- Belgium; Canada; Benin; Guinea; Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- Visit this link for more details
More info about the Event
CEBioS & UNESCO held a side-event during COP15. First, we presented a sample of best practices and lessons learnt from 10 years of Capacity Development in Africa, with some examples about the Global Taxonomy Initiative, Monitoring-Reporting-Verification (MRV), Awareness raising, Habitat Monitoring and the Clearing House Mechanism. All this also fitted into our efforts to mainstream Biodiversity into the realm of development Cooperation and the Sustainable development Goals.
A second part was devoted to the presentation of a new practical manual on ecosystem services assessment in African Biosphere reserves: the ‘EVAMAB’ 3-year project was financed by the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO) and coordinated/implemented by CEBioS and a consortium of Belgian and African Universities.
Find the presentations below:
- Presentations by CEBioS about our program and Evamab project (Luc Janssens de Bisthoven & Han de Koeijer with thanks to the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD) and the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
- Status Report of Biodiversity in RDC, by Nicky Kingunia
- Burundi’s Commitment to Biodiversity: the case of GTI and MRV, by Longin Ndyakeza
- Workshop for Partner Countries of the Belgian development Cooperation, by Saïdou Doumbouya
- Experiences to implement the CHM in Benin with CEBioS support, by Dr Augustin Orou Matilo
- Assessing Ecosystem Services in Canadian Biosphère Regions, by Liette Vasseur, UNESCO
- Biosphere Reserves: Conservation, Restoration, Engagement, by Meriem Bouamrane (Unesco HQ, Paris
- EVAMAB Manual, by CEBioS and UNESCO
With also words from Issaka Maman Sani from Niger.