
CEBioS in Burundi

Han and Tania meet CEBioS institutional partners supported since 2002

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The CEBIOS delegation arrived in Bujumbura, Burundi, on Sunday 19/11 evening. It was made up of Han and Tania. They met with the institutional partner that CEBioS has been supporting since 2002, OBPE (Office Burundais de la Protection de l’Environnement).

Tuesday saw a meeting with the UNDP, as part of the PACECOR project, in which the three organisations are working together. There was also a meeting with the Belgian embassy, to present the new programme and our past activities in Burundi.

Wednesday saw the start of the field visits, which began in the town of Gitega with a reforestation project and continued on to the Ruvubu National Park. Thursday was devoted to the latter, to see the monitoring of habitats on permanent quadrats.

Then it was on to Kibira National Park to assess the work done there, before returning to Bujumbura on Sunday.

On Monday, the last national park supported by CEBioS will be visited, Ruzizi Park.

This will mark the end of the mission, with meetings with various CEBioS partners and supporters (former or new GTI grant holders, OBPE partners, the University of Burundi, UNDP, the Embassy, etc.). This will be an opportunity to finalise CEBioS’ involvement in PACECOR.