
CEBioS in Rwanda

A joint delegation from CEBioS and SECORES presents a workshop on socio-ecological resilience.

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The SECORES delegation arrived in Kigali (Rwanda) on Tuesday evening. The delegation consists of Johan (Join for Water) and Tania (CEBioS). They were invited by the CSC Pays to present a two-day workshop on socio-ecological resilience. On the first day of the workshop, February 29, they presented the concept of socio-ecological resilience, with a participatory activity enabling participants to better understand and appropriate the concept.

The following day, the workshop continued on the themes of Biodiversity, the concept, threats and impacts on human beings, Ecosystem Services and the link was made between Socio-Ecological Resilience, the “One Health” concept and agroecology, with presentations by Vétérinaires sans frontières and ADA/APROJUMAP respectively.