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Measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) for policy choices
As stated in the Convention on Biological Diversity, there is an increasing need for monitoring schemes that help understand the evolution of the global biodiversity crisis and propose solutions for the future. In order to monitor and report on the state of biodiversity and propose appropriate solutions, a strong link must be established between
- the scientific data collected
- the formulation of biodiversity policies
Biodiversity indicators, described by the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership are key tools to
- measure the change in biodiversity over time
- evaluate progress towards its conservation and sustainable use
- set conservation priorities
- design and monitor national and regional policies on biodiversity
- feed into national reporting on international agreements such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Sustainable Development Goals
The MRV approach developed by CEBioS aims at promoting links between the worlds of science, policy and development in order to develop such biodiversity indicators in CEBioS partner countries. This goes hand in hand with the collection of data to establish these indicators according to the needs expressed in the National Biodiversity Strategies and Actions Plans and the execution of follow-up awareness activities at local and national decision-making level.
The approach offers a methodology to
- valorize scientific data
- translate them into quantified biodiversity indicators and trends that can be communicated to decision-makers, for instance in Policy Briefs, co-produced with local partners involved in the MRV projects
- build on these trends to put in place appropriate management measures and policies
MRV projects and activities are generally linked to calls for projects. Grant seekers can access specific information about the calls here.
Presentation about MRV approach
Video explaining this presentation
Poster about MRV
Scientific paper: ‘Developing policy-relevant biodiversity indicators: lessons learnt from case studies in Africa’
Scientific paper: ‘Joining science and policy in capacity development for monitoring progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the global South’
Policy Brief on monitoring natural resources in protected areas