
Institutional cooperation in Benin

The main objective of the institutional cooperation with the University of AbomeyCalavi (UAC) is to facilitate the link between scientific research and sustainable management of Pendjari and “W” National Park in Northern Benin. The link consists of information flow and dissemination (close cooperation with the CHM national focal point), awareness raising, scientific research on fire management, pastoralism and Ecosystem Services, the production of tools to facilitate habitat monitoring and decision making for the management of the parks and capacity building of scientists, managers and rangers. The main partner is LEA (Laboratoire d’Ecologie Appliquée), but for several projects on ecosystem services we also work with LABEF (Laboratoire de Biomathématiques et d’Estimations Forestières).

As for the University of Parakou (UP), we regularly cooperate on a project basis with experts on mushrooms (mycology), for example related to cultivation, consumption and species diversity. The main partner is MyTIPS (Mycologie Tropicale et Interaction Plantes-Sols-Fungi). For projects on aquatic ecosystems, LaREAq (Laboratoire de Recherche en Aquaculture et en Ecotoxicologie aquatique) is increasingly involved as a partner.

In Benin, CEBioS also maintains a close collaboration with the Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB) in supporting the marine modelling and taxonomic activities undertaken by students and professors at the institute. In that context, it provides technical and scientific guidance to PhD students carrying out hydrodynamic modelling work (Gulf of Guinea), habitat suitability studies and life cycle monitoring of shrimp species in the Lake Nokoué-ocean complex.