
Workshop on Molecular Barcoding, Phylogeny and Collection Management on 21-30 April, 2022 in Parakou

The “Laboratoire De Recherche En Aquaculture Et Ecotoxicologie Aquatique” (LaRAEAq) of the University of Parakou, Benin organized this workshop.

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The workshop was organized in cooperation with CEBioS, the Belgian National Focal Point to the Global Taxonomy Initiative, the University of Hasselt and MyTips.

It welcomed 24 participants from Benin (UAC, UP, IRHOB, UNA) and Ghana (ACECoR-UCC), as well as trainers from the RBINS and the University of Hasselt. It combined theoretical courses with practical work, such as pipetting, DNA extraction, fish identification, digital taxonomy and phylogenetic analyses.

It was featured on the front page of the Beninese newspaper “Daabaaru”.