The external call for applications to the GTI Short-term Scholarship is now open!

The call is open until May 15th 2022.
- Call for proposals
- 29.03.2022
- Visit this link for more details
More info about the News item
CEBioS and the GTI Focal Point are pleased to announce the launch of the GTI External 2022 call.
This call is open to researchers from Niger, Ivory Coast, Gambia and Guinea, as well as to researchers from Belgian Development Cooperation partner countries who have received a GTI grant in 2020.
Regarding the research subject of the projects, organisms of all taxa are accepted (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria or other (micro)organisms), as long as they are existing taxa. Proposals may use traditional methods, molecular and other new techniques, or a combination of both.
Be sure to share this information as deadline for submission is 15 May 2022!
Note that the call can be answered in French or English.
- Closing date applications: 15 May 2022
- Selected projects contacted: second week of June 2022
- Deadline for execution of projects: end of March 2023
- Eligibility criteria & application documents: see this page (in French)
Cover picture: freepik