New manual on the assessment of ecosystem services in African Biosphere Reserves

The EVAMAB research team is preparing a manual to address the assessment of ecosystem services in African Biosphere Reserves (BR). It intends to primarily reach the managers and administrators but also decision makers of African BR.
- Publication
- 28.09.2021
- Visit this link for more details
More info about the News item
This manual’s main goals are:
- To outline the significance of ecosystem services for the management of African BRs;
- To increase the awareness, knowledge and use of ecosystem services among stakeholders involved with African BRs;
- To serve as a support & background document for the AfriMAB network and beyond;
- To serve as a transfer mechanism for key principles and approaches of ecosystem services in BRs;
- To maintain sustainably ecosystems and their services in BRs and support the management of BRs in favour of both Nature and People;
- To be a milestone in a process of continuous learning.
You can download the full announcement here: announcement-afrimab-manual-on-the-assessment-of-ecosystem-services-in-african.pdf (193 downloads ) .