
Mr. Olivier Mushiete Nkole (Director General a.i. of the ICCN) visits the RBINS

View from the RBINS

Mr. Olivier Mushiete Nkole has been Director General (DG) a.i. of the ICCN (Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature) since August 2021.

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Mr. Mushiete is currently taking stock of the situation, in particular by finding out about the partnerships in which his institution is involved. In this context, he met with François Muhashy Habiyaremye (our colleague from CEBioS) at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS). The main objective of this meeting was to communicate the new vision of the ICCN management, its new strategies and policies.

During the discussion, the DG showed great interest in CEBioS’ training tools for his institution’s officers. He stated that he was already using the lexicon “Habitats of the Bombo-Lumene Reserve and Hunting Area” and that he would request a reprint of this manual which is in increasing demand. He will also sign the preface of the “Itombwe Nature Reserve Habitats Lexicon” once he has read the whole document.


Mr Mushiete and Mr Muhashy in front of a statue of an Ishango bone, RBINS