CEBioS’ mission in Benin (November 2021)

From 11 to 19 November, our CEBioS colleagues were in Benin to reconnect with partners on the field.
- Mission
- 13.12.2021
- Visit this link for more details
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Together with other Belgian NGOs, they visited the headquarters of the NGO Nature Tropicale, which has been our partner for ten years. This visit was part of the Benin Common Strategic Framework (CSF).
They co-organized a two-day workshop at the University of Abomey Calavi (LEA: Laboratoire d’Ecologie Appliquée) with all CEBioS partners in Benin to take stock of the cooperation on biodiversity and to get information on future collaborations based on needs.
They also visited lagoon and mangrove ecosystems with the partner NGO Eco-Bénin.