Spotlight - September 2021

Introduction of Mushroom Culture in Technical agriculture Schools in Kongo Central, DR Congo

A mushroom bio-culture project in collaboration with VVOB and the Provincial School Inspection Services.

About the Project

Together with VVOB, and in collaboration with the Provincial School Inspection Services, the bio-culture of mushrooms has been introduced in three technical agriculture schools in the Kongo Central province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. By introducing this bio-culture, linked to the development of a business plan, in the schools’ official program, a new learning experience is added to the curriculum and an additional source of income for the schools is created. By example, this expertise will find its way in the communities around the schools and contribute to the generation of higher family revenues.

As a first step, and with the advice of an expert of the University of Kinshasa, the schools have constructed the necessary infrastructure and assembled the materials needed to start up a mushroom culture. Later, in two training sessions of several days, the theory and practical aspects of the mushroom culture were taught by experts from the Universities of Kinshasa and Kisangani. A first harvest of mushrooms was realised at the end of the second training period. At the same time the schools have developed business plans to expand the culture at full scale.

By anchoring the culture of mushrooms in the curricula of the schools, combined with the development of business plans, the sustainability of this project should be assured.

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