
Prof. Dudu Akaïbe is admitted to become Professor emeritus

Picture of Prof. Dudu Akaïbe

Congratulations from the CEBioS team to Prof. Dudu Akaïbe!

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Prof. Dudu Akaïbe, Director of the Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité (CSB) and Professor at the Université de Kisangani is now Professor emeritus. He is an internationally recognized expert in rodents. He was co-manager for the ‘Boyekoli Ebale Congo 2010’ expedition on the Congo River in 2010, co-founder of the CSB and long-time partner of the Belgian Development Cooperation via activities of CEBioS, VLIR-UOs and the Africamuseum. We warmly congratulate him with this new role, and hope that we can continue to enjoy his support for our joint activities in the region.