Pluri-annual Programme 2024-2029

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Within the 10-year strategy (2024-2033), this Pluri-Annual Programme proposes the planning of the first phase of 5 years (mid-2024-mid-2029). The previous strategy (2014-2023) has been finalised with a mandatory external evaluation, which proved overwhelmingly positive. Its recommendations are integrated within the new 10-year strategy and the present five-year programme. Both documents are complementary and hence refer to each other. However, some elements of the strategy are repeated in the programme, so that both can be stand-alone documents. While the strategy focuses on the biodiversity state of play, the sustainable development and the policy framework (Part 1), as well as the constituent elements of the CEBioS programme (Part 2 : Belgian actors, Theory of Change, partners, general principles, sub-programmes and management, monitoring and evaluation), this five-year programme focuses on the operational elements, based on a specific logframe, operational plan, and budget.
The 5-year programme and the 10-year strategy are governed by the Protocol of Cooperation between DGD, and BELSPO. This pluriannual programme will implement as well as possible the strategic plan, in the spirit of the Protocol, to strengthen support for ‘research for development’ carried out within the SFIs and to increase its impact and sustainability, optimising the coordination of research, development and capacity-building initiatives, both with and in the partner countries of Belgian cooperation and in collaboration with other players, particularly within international research networks and the CSCs. The Protocol foresees the possibility of re-adjustments of the strategy and programme to stay in tune with the latest developments in scientific cooperation and sustainable development (e.g., open data, decolonisation, new technologies, new cooperation frameworks and strategies).
The programme has been formulated in a participative way within CEBioS and with the South partners (through video-conferencing and during identification missions, see information from formulation missions in tabs of Annex 3), trying to integrate South demands and needs (demand-driven) with existing expertise (match-making with offer). Herewith, we took into account the recommendations of the evaluation, as well as the lessons learned from the previous strategy and programmes.
This programme is intended (1) to demonstrate how the obtained results will contribute to the strategy, (2) to achieve impact through the fulfilment of the OECD-DAC criteria, (3) to implement a results-based management through a theory of change, a description of the outcomes at the level of all beneficiaries and a series of SMART qualitative and quantitative indicators with targets per year, (4) to present how partnership is achieved through co-design, co-construction and mutual strengthening and (5) to present a risk analysis.
A budget of 8 M€ has been allocated to cover the activities proposed in the 5-year programme. This budget allows for building on successful experiences and interventions and integration of the new accents explained in the strategy. It allows for a dynamic, ambitious and valorising perspective towards the future in view of the ever-increasing ecological crisis affecting biodiversity and its nexus with climate change, food security, water and health (see state of the art Part 1 of the strategy) and the pivotal role Belgium should play through its official development cooperation with this flagship programme to tackle this crisis, and comply with its obligations (CBD and other MEAs) in a unique capacity building approach and package.
Find the programme here.