
Enabel meets RBINS and the CEBioS team to discuss future cooperation

Enabel discussed synergies with the Direction of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) and the CEBioS programme.

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Jean Van Wetter (CEO Enabel) and his colleagues, as well as a delegation from the DGD (Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid) listened to a presentation by Patricia Supply (General Director a.i. RBINS) about the Institute and its Museum and by Luc Janssens de Bisthoven (CEBioS Coordinator) about the CEBioS programme.

Jean Van Wetter introduced Enabel. It was an enthusiastic and promising discussion about the future cooperation between Enabel and RBINS-CEBioS in Africa on the topics of biodiversity governance & policies, information flow, research, awareness, MRV, mainstreaming and conservation.