
CEBioS in Benin to meet university partners

Two two-days encounters are organized in order to formulate the activities of the collaborations for the new phase 2024-2029 of the CEBioS programme.

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Tania and Anne-Julie from CEBioS are currently in Benin to meet CEBioS’ university partners from the ‘Laboratoire d’Ecologie appliquée’ (LEA, Université d’Abomey Calavi) and the University of Parakou.

Two two-days encounters are organized in order to formulate the activities of the collaborations for the new phase 2024-2029 of the CEBioS programme.

The objectives of the encounters are  

  • To present the activities and working modalities of the CEBioS programme;
  • To discuss past collaborative activities between the university partners and the CEBioS programme: lessons learned, challenges, successes, failures;
  • To formulate future activities: identification of needs, research priorities, planning of activities, establishment of a logical framework, collaboration modalities.

It is the opportunity to also meet other Belgian partners, such as the Belgian embassy, Join for Water and Louvain Coopération, to discuss potential synergies in Benin for the new CEBioS programme.