
Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) calls

Given that much of the Earth’s biodiversity remains unknown, especially in developing countries, it is crucial to further uncover this biodiversity so that appropriate measures can be taken for the conservation and sustainable management of the natural resources and ecosystem services provided.

To strengthen the capacities of researchers and students from partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation in studying particular components of their country’s biodiversity, the Belgian National Focal Point (NFP) to the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) provides funding for specific training on a diverse range of organisms, tailored to demand from the South.

Since 2004, through annual grants, the Belgian National Focal Point (NFP) for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) has been facilitating short-term taxonomic training in Belgium for researchers and students from partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation.

These training programs provide access to Belgian expertise in taxonomy and conservation, as well as to the extensive collections of Belgian institutes.

The Belgian National Focal Point to the GTI aims to strengthen the taxonomic capacities of researchers from partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation, not only by funding short-term scholarships for training in Belgium, but also by awarding grants to Belgian taxonomists carrying out capacity development projects in developing countries to train students and scientists on the ground, combined with research activities.

CHM-POL reinforcement calls (Clearing-House Mechanism)

The digital world has evolved considerably since the early days of the Belgian CHM partnership. New web-based tools are continuously being released, and society’s needs and use of the Internet are constantly changing. Focal Points around the world have to adapt to these unceasing changes, taking full advantage of emerging technologies in their work on the CHM.

To assist partner countries in this task and increase their contribution to the CHM websites, the Belgian Focal Point to the CHM as part of the CEBioS program regularly launches calls for proposals. The objective of the initiative is to obtain websites that are:

  • officially endorsed by the national authorities
  • operational both in terms of format and content
  • updated with relevant and comprehensive information, data and national documents
  • key to the follow up of the implementation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
  • linked to other relevant websites at national and international level.

From 2006 to 2018, national CHM websites were based on the Portal Toolkit (PTK) Content Management System (CMS), but since 2019, there has been a migration to the Bioland CMS developed by the Secretariat of the Convention. In this context, the CHM reinforcement call plays an important role in helping countries of the Belgian CHM partner network make the transition to the Bioland CMS and feed information and data into these new websites.

More information about the CHM reinforcement calls can be found here.

IP calls (Indicators for Policy)

Calls for projects are launched by CEBioS to implement the IP approach (former MRV approach), with the objective to

  • Implement the Monitoring framework of the Global Biodiversity Framework,
  • Mobilize and valorize biodiversity data to inform, influence and shape policy and decision-making,
  • Produce and update policy-relevant biodiversity indicators,
  • Improve monitoring capacity,
  • Build capacities and strengthen the science-policy interface in the field of biodiversity.

Formulation workshops are organized with key biodiversity governance actors before the launch of the call, to select key themes and/or biodiversity indicators of importance for the partner country and orientate the call accordingly.

The projects are submitted by a tandem of scientists and decision makers, to bridge the gap between data collection by scientists and data use by decision makers.

Training workshops are organized during and after project implementation in fields that enable project holders to develop and report on policy-relevant biodiversity indicators (database management, biodiversity indicators and governance, science-policy interface, communication …). At the end of the projects, awareness raising activities are implemented to convey key findings to various audiences.

The capacity building activities (in green) around these calls are summarized below:

IP awareness calls

Call for projects to raise public awareness of IP research results.

In previous closing workshops of the IP projects, explicit demand came to raise awareness about key results of the projects. Project holders have now the opportunity to submit awareness raising projects as a continuation of their IP project.

Such follow-up awareness projects may address a better way of exploiting the resources for which indicators were developed, the importance of those indicators, their relevance for related policies, etc. Target audiences vary between local populations, local policy makers, provincial decision makers, implementation administrations and so on.

CEPA calls (Communication, Education & Public Awareness)

As awareness raising is also an integral part of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, CEBioS regularly launches calls for proposals in order to help partner countries implement activities to raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity and the services it provides. In this way, CEBioS aims to contribute to a better knowledge of biodiversity linked to sustainable development and a better implementation of international environmental conventions in developing countries.

Awareness activities may include the organization of a meeting with local communities, policy-makers and/or other stakeholders, the hosting of an academic event for students and professors, the dissemination of flyers, brochures or posters, the publication of articles in popular journals, participation in a radio or television program, etc.

The awareness calls are linked to CEBioS’ CHM-POL, GTI and IP activities:

General awareness calls (mainly CHM-POL)

National CHM networks play a vital role in educating and informing the general public, policy makers and/or other interested stakeholders about the value of biodiversity and the opportunities provided by the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Therefore, as part of the public awareness component of its program, CEBioS aims to strengthen the awareness actions of CHM National Focal Points and competent authorities in partner countries by regularly launching calls for project proposals.

Four types of awareness projects (6 month duration) are distinguished:  

Type 1: Study on suitable indicators for a baseline study on public awareness if such indicators have not yet been defined in the revised National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)

Type 2: Baseline study on the perception of biodiversity based on the indicators chosen in the NBSAP or via an earlier project on indicators (Type 1 project)

Type 3: Follow-up study to evaluate changes in the perception of biodiversity based on the indicators chosen with methodology used for baseline study (Type 2 project); results are to be included in the evaluation of the NBSAP

Type 4: Public awareness project on:

the implementation of the NBSAP based on the Sixth National Reportthe interests and challenges under the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Frameworkthe importance of biodiversity for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)the importance of biodiversity conservation and intact ecosystems for healthy lives and sustainable local livelihoods

Type 1 to 3 projects are aimed at Ministries, while the goal of Type 4 projects is to raise awareness among the target audience chosen in the NBSAP or through an earlier indicator project (and for which a baseline study (Type 2 project) has been undertaken).

More information about these general awareness calls can be found here.

GTI awareness calls

The aim of the GTI Awareness Grants is to enable researchers from eligible developing countries to carry out local awareness-raising campaigns based on the scientific results obtained via their GTI internships that took place at a taxonomic research institute in Belgium. Therefore, applications may only be submitted by students or scientific staff members who have received one or more GTI Scholarship Grants in the three years preceding the GTI awareness call.

The overall objective of the GTI awareness activities is to educate the general public and interested stakeholders on how a better understanding and management of the components of biodiversity can contribute to the provision of ecosystem services and thus to improved livelihoods.

For more details on the eligibility criteria and application modalities, as well as the GTI Awareness Grants awarded in the past, please visit the dedicated website of the Belgian Focal Point to the GTI.

A call for proposals for GTI awareness projects is launched every four years with the next one expected in 2024.

IP awareness calls

Call for projects to raise public awareness of IP research results.

The specific agreement between the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD) and the Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) aims to contribute through its CEBioS program to a better knowledge of biodiversity and a better implementation of international environmental conventions in developing countries.

In order to measure, report and verify (former MRV) on the state of biodiversity, especially in the framework of the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the development of indicators is a key tool to monitor the implementation of NBSAPs. This goes hand in hand with the collection of data to establish them. Such indicators can also be used to measure the progress of policies and projects, to support policy-making, etc.

Two calls for the development of such indicators have been launched in 2019. Eight projects in French-speaking partner countries were selected and implemented, as well as 5 projects in English-speaking partner countries. During the closing workshops of these two calls (Bujumbura, 2022) the leaders of these projects discussed and presented ideas for awareness raising projects as a continuation of their MRV projects.

This call for projects aims to support MRV project partners who wish to carry out this type of outreach.


Only MRV project partners who have received financial support from CEBioS, following MRV calls in 2019, are eligible for this call.

When should the projects be completed?

Projects must begin in February 2023 and must be completed by the end of October 2023.

What activities are covered by the outreach project funding?

The activities can be very diverse, but always related to the theme of your MRV project. We propose a list of activities that is not exhaustive:

Make and print posters and other awareness-raising materials;Organize a meeting with the local population in the area where you have been working on your MRV project, to explain your research and/or to promote a better understanding of the issues and best practices for safeguarding their environment and its biodiversity, as well as to inform them about the relevant legislation;Organize an information session with policy makers and other stakeholders in your research area;Participate in a radio or television program to explain your research. Your CHM focal point can help you make contacts;

Can not be taken into account: participation in scientific conferences, data collection in the field.

Promoters and partners of the project

Two contact persons must be designated, one of whom will be designated as responsible for the budget, coordination, implementation, and reporting aspects of the project (sponsor). Preferably, both institutions involved in the MRV project should be involved in the awareness project.

Available funds

The budgets allocated to the projects are of 2300 € maximum.

Financial support

A maximum budget of 2300 € will be granted per project. The number of projects supported will depend on the type, size and quality of the projects submitted.

Possible costs will include: communication (internet, units...), creation of awareness raising materials, costs related to the organization of meetings with local populations, policy makers or other stakeholders, possible costs related to local transportation, local accommodation, and if necessary small equipment (e.g. USB stick, hard drive... contact us if in doubt). Consultancy fees and salaries, or data collection costs will not be eligible under this call.

A project contract will be established between the RBINS and the promotor's institute. Payment procedure: 80% of the budget allocated to the contractor will be paid at the beginning of the project, then the remaining 20% at the end of the project. The final payment will be made only after receipt of all original supporting documents and narrative and financial reports.

Indicative dates for proposal review and project implementation

27/10/2022: The call for MRV awareness projects is launched

27/11/2022: Deadline for submission

Dec 2022 : Project beneficiaries are contacted

Dec 2022-Jan 2023: Drawing up and signing contracts

Feb-March 2023: Payment of the first instalment (80%)

01/02/2023-30/06/2023: Project implementation, with informal exchanges with contact persons in Belgium

31/07/2023: Submission of financial and narrative reports

August-September 2023: Feedback on the reports

September-October 2023: Payment of balances

Model for the submission of the project

First page (summary)

Call: awareness related to MRV projectsProject TitleCountryProject locationTarget audience(s)Key message(s)Duration of the projectPromoting institution (full contact details)Contact person(s)/promoter and his/her contact informationAmount requested

Mandatory structure of the document (total maximum 5 pages)

Overall objectiveSpecific objective(s)Geographic locationMain themeExpected results, indicators and activitiesRequired infrastructure and human resourcesSustainability and impacts of the projectPotential risks associated with the projectSustainability of initiated activitiesStrategy for valorization of results through the national CHM websiteIndicative budget in EurosIn-kind and/or financial contribution of the local partner (human resources, infrastructure, equipment, etc.)Duration and schedule of activities (in table form)Project monitoring and evaluation, including objectively verifiable indicators (see annex for CEBioS indicators)Optional (but encouraged): For those whose MRV project was the subject of the stakeholder analysis/problem tree at the Bujumbura workshop: situate your target audience, objectives, and context in these tools.

An activity report and a financial report must be submitted at the end of the project (will be stipulated in the contract).

Projects, tools and their results should be posted on the national CHM in your country. A list of national CBD and CHM focal points is available here.

Where to submit your proposal or find additional information?

Hilde Keunen ou Anne-Julie Rochette
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
CEBioS Programme
Rue Vautier, 29
B-1000 Brussels

Tel. Whatsapp: +32 495252267 (Hilde)
Tel. : +32 474626639 (Anne-Julie)

Appendix 1: CEBioS indicators to be included in the project

For the monitoring of your project, among the indicators you propose, please include at least the following indicators, which are global indicators of the CEBioS program, common to all awareness projects:

Number of staff of implementing authorities reached through awareness raising projects (number of persons, including number of men/women)Number of staff members of authorities, decision makers and policymakers reached through awareness raising activities (number of persons, including number of men/women)Number of synergies and complementarities (collaborations, joint activities) with another country or an international/national NGO to implement the projectNumber of people (ultimate beneficiaries) reached through the supported awareness projects (including number of men/women)Number of awareness raising meetings with different target groupsNumber of vulgarizing documents effectively published (videos; posters; flyers; or articles in popular media) by partners, with support of CEBioS