
CHM Francophone workshop

Preparation and update for CBD COP16

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More info about the Event

The CEBioS programme and the Belgian Focal Point for CHM are pleased to invite CHM managers to a workshop to update and prepare for the CBD COP16.

The programme includes

  • the status of the work done on the respective CHM sites since the regional workshop organised by CEBioS in Bujumbura, Burundi, in 2022
  • the status of national NBSAPs
  • the issues at stake in the negotiations leading up to COP16 in Cali, Colombia
  • a presentation of the new Bioland 2.0 software for implementing and maintaining CHM sites.

The event opened with an introductory presentation by Michel Van Camp, Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences, and Luc Janssens de Bisthoven, CEBioS coordinator.

The workshop closed with a visit to the Royal Museum for Central Africa.