SYN - Synergies

Synergies and Complementarities (SYN)

Supporting taxonomic research in the context of the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI)

The SYN sub-programme of CEBioS develops practices and expertise for collective learning, in a strategic and more efficient manner. This can be realised by, for instance:

  • Being a co-promotor of projects funded by VLIR-UOS and ARES (e.g., on Lake Manyara, Lake Tanganyika, Rusizi); 
  • Being promotor or associated partner in BELSPO-funded projects (e.g., network of mycologists, EVAMAB, CANATHIST, FEDtWIN
  • Being associated partner in other projects linked to the EU and UN (e.g., PACECOR in Burundi (with UNDP); Pascale-B in Burundi, COOP4CBD, Yangambi- UNESCO in DRC, C-Urge); 
  • Being part of Boards or steering committees (e.g., KLIMOS and KLIMSEC (closed), foundations, EU projects etc.
  • Being an engaged actor in the framework of the geographic and thematic ‘Joint Strategic Frameworks’, seeking for synergies and complementarities amongst Belgian development actors funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD)
  • Cooperation in terms of missions with back to back participation in certain partner events, workshops, juries, panels, but also in terms of advice, and information sharing (e.g. ENABELAfricaMuseumBotanic Garden MeiseGlobal Environment Facility (GEF), UNESCOSECORES