Main activities
Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI)
Supporting taxonomic research and solving the 'taxonomic impediment'
Clearing-House Mechanism and Policy Support
Supporting the implementation of the CBD’s ‘Clearing-House Mechanism’, a platform for exchanging information on biodiversity, mainly via national CHM websites
Indicators for Policy (IP)
Providing support - e.g., on the use of proper indicators - in the context of countries’ reporting to the CBD and the development of science-based National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans
Communication, Education & Public-Awareness (CEPA)
Developing proper communication strategies and raising public awareness about the importance of biodiversity, both of which are key to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation
Synergies and Complementarities (SYN)
The SYN sub-programme of CEBioS develops practices and expertise for collective learning, in a strategic and more efficient manner
Monitoring of Ecosystems, their Services and Protected Areas (MEP)
The MEP sub-programme delivers significant advantages linked to the conservation and monitoring of habitat dynamics