CEPA - Communication, Education & Public Awareness

Communication, Education & Public Awareness (CEPA)

Supporting taxonomic research in the context of the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI)

Raising awareness among diverse stakeholderssuch as civil servants, protected area managers, national focal points, scientists, regional and local authorities, students, children, and their parentsis a cornerstone of biodiversity conservation. By cultivating this awareness, we facilitate the integration of biodiversity considerations into societal practices and governance.

Meanwhile, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) considers CEPA as an essential part of its objectives, through decision 15/14 of the Conference of the Parties (COP).

CEBioS develops and provides Communication, Education and Public-Awareness tools in several ways:

    • Annual awareness-raising calls for CHM (Clearing-House Mechanism) national focal points and local environmental protection NGOs 
    • Awareness-raising projects as part of the GTI (Global taxonomy Initiative) and IP (Indicators for Policy) sub-programmes to disseminate project results. 
    • Development of communication strategies 
    • CEPA training on specific topics such as writing of Policy Briefs, developing scientific posters, designing brochures, formulating Key Messages, etc. 
    • Uptake on decisions and stakes of negotiations regarding CBD and COP processes, whereunder the Nagoya Protocol of the CBD 
    • Special focus is directed towards raising awareness among Belgian NGOs and governmental institutions working in partner countries

For instance, past initiatives have focused on  

  • Raising community awareness regarding the conservation of medicinal plants near parks and classified forests 
  • Promoting knowledge and sustainable conservation of ecosystem services in Reserves and Parks 
  • Increasing awareness of marine biodiversity status and fostering active participation in conservation efforts 
  • Mobilising religious dignitaries for conservation 
  • Disseminating the new Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) 
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practices on biodiversity and climate change 
  • Raising awareness and mobilising stakeholders to implement their National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan (NBSAP)